Monday, January 28, 2013

The First Month

It's amazing how much life has changed since Henry arrived, yet it feels as if he's always been here! This may be an overload of Henry but I'm a bit behind {3 months} and need to catch up on everything this little man has been up to!
Always crying! :)

Looking back at those first few weeks, I cannot believe how far we've come! Henry had a hard time learning how to latch, so nursing was a dreaded event that came every three hours! I was at a loss until my sweet friend, Amy Kneistler, suggested I attend a lactation workshop at Henry Mayo. The women there are AMAZING and, along with my wonderful mother, gave me the confidence and tricks needed to get Mr. Henry eating like a champ! 
All tuckered out after a good feeding. 

It's amazing how predictable he was those first few weeks. His day pretty much followed the same routine - eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, get the point. Slowly he began staying awake after feedings; at first just a few minutes and later up to an hour! I spent countless hours snuggling with him on the couch, listening to his little snore. It took him a while to figure out his nights and days. We would try anything to calm him down and get him to sleep. One trick was to run the kitchen faucet and sway him back and forth. I remember doing this at 3am, the room completely dark, but I could see his big bright eyes staring right at me. 

Henry grew so much this first month. Nursing is no longer an issue and he's figured out his days and nights. He's still working on his eye control, but we love his little cross-eyed look. His personality is starting to show and he's started smiling at us. What a joy sweet Henry is!

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